RY offers a wide array of evidence-based, authoritatively recognized programs to assist individuals and vulnerable families at risk of separating. Coupled with a vast assortment of valuable resources and our team of passionate, certified professionals, families can be assured that they are given the utmost care.
Nurturing Parenting Programs
A trauma-informed program with families at risk for abuse or neglect at its center. Designed with activities that foster positive parenting skills with nurturing behaviors, promote healthy physical and emotional development, and teach appropriate role and developmental expectations. With over 35 years of research, validation and evidence, the Nurturing Parenting Programs are recognized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and a number of state and local agencies as proven programs for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect.
Family Connections
A multifaceted, community-based program that works with vulnerable families in their homes, in the context of their neighborhoods, to help them meet the basic needs of their children and prevent child maltreatment and out-of-home placement. Family Connections provides change-focused interventions to achieve core outcomes of: improved social support, family functioning, family resources, child well-being, parenting attitudes and behaviors, and management of parenting stress. Provided to families in the context of their own communities and cultures, Family Connections is an individualized program tailored to the individual family’s needs, culture and readiness to change.